Monday, March 18, 2013

Thanks to Bob Gale, I got my first BTTF autographs

Time Machine Restoration chief Joe Walser already had my mailing address, but I had no idea Bob Gale would be sending me something. I was totally surprised and ecstatic when I noticed Bob Gale's name on the poster tube.

It was so thoughtful of Bob Gale to send me this cool poster and this wonderful personalized letter. A hearty thanks to Bob Gale for taking time to send me the letter and the Back to the Future poster autographed by him, Robert Zemeckis and Christopher Lloyd. On my own, there is no way I would ever get a chance to get all of their autographs on a poster. And a big thanks to Joe Walser and Terry Matalas for having me on the TMR team in the first place.

Now I am wondering whether I should frame this poster or wait until I bring it at We're Going Back 2015 and get more autographs on the poster from the rest of the BTTF cast and crew. See, I am becoming greedy already :-).

Click to enlarge.


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